Additional Content Workshops


Discovery in Action® moves beyond merely improving knowledge about leadership by bridging the gap between leadership theory and practice. This ensures that participants turn their knowledge into action and achieve actual results. Discovery in Action® works effectively as a stand-alone program with an emphasis on leadership practice in the workplace or as part of a broader, long term leadership development strategy.

A unique feature of the program, is its emphasis on a workplace based, real world perspective where everyday issues provide the context and drive the personal journey for each person. The content for the program is the personal context for each participant.

Want some training on specific content?

Some organisations like to add some specific ‘themed’ content sessions to the learning experience. We offer a range of ‘Learning and Development workshops’ ranging from a few hours, to half and full days, some spread over 1-4 weeks.

Click here to be taken to our Eyres & Associates website where we have the most recent link to all course options.

Other information

We have also run workshops in

We can run short 1-3 hour sessions on some content themes, drawing from content in our various workshop designs. Please feel free to get in touch to explore this further.


Building a Climate for High Performance in Teams

Do you have an intact team that you’d like to move towards the high performance end of the result spectrum? Does your team know what conditions are needed for a high performance 'Climate' - and how well those conditions are being met right now?

We have a process that draws on the thinking behind DiA Leading People program – that can be used inside intact teams. Many teams have found the application of this framework useful in exploring the conditions and behaviours necessary for excellent team performance and results.

2 hour to 4 hour options are available.