Navigating ways of working

Have you worked with your team to determine the ‘moments’ that…

No one has escaped the need to reimagine the way we work since the pandemic hit!

Most organisations are currently navigating their way through different options for ways of working. Some are working it out on the fly. Most are testing and trialling. And some are leveraging the skills and tools they use elsewhere in their businesses and are applying a design thinking approach to this challenge.

One of our clients who has done the latter is REA (you may know them as, and they have recently shared their Hybrid Approach to Working.’ They have been sharing this with others, through channels such as their website and LinkedIn, and we thought we’d share it with you if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet.

Click on our attachment to find our 2 page summary of the approach, and a link to the original post. In our attachment, we share:

  • What we love about the approach, and
  • Some of the key take-aways which can serve as best practice prompts for you to consider with your team

Click here to download our two page summary

Here is what we love about it!

  • It was developed with their people ‘front and centre’ AND unashamedly balances this with the business needs.
  • It recognises the need for CLARITY – communicating what they mean by hybrid work, the opportunities and challenges it presents, and the expectations and responsibilities that come with the hybrid approach for leaders at all levels.
  • It is written in relatable language, sharing clear examples and practical tips.
  • It recognises that whilst clear guidance is needed now, this is an experiment, so there is a feedback loop to help the model evolve.
  • It identifies the ‘moments’ that people typically experience in the organisation and offers guidance on HOW and WHERE these are best experienced for all STAKEHOLDERS (team members, the business, customers and consumers). Some need to be face-to-face (F2F) and others may be better held virtually, or somewhere in between.
  • It considers diversity – both cultural and individual. It recognises everybody can enjoy a blended model, however F2F is still part of the picture, and connections to a physical organisation space are needed too.
  • All messaging aligns with the company values, showing how what matters is embedded everyday

We’ve captured some key ‘take-aways’, which serve as best practice prompts for you to consider with your team.

  • There are ‘times when working from home to do focussed tasks are invaluable’ AND there are other times where ‘being in the office’ facilitates opportunities, connections and collaborations that really add value. What are the critical tasks / activities + what environment serves them best?
  • It is possible for all team members to enjoy a blended model, where working from another location is possible, however there will be ‘moments’ when team members will also need to meet F2F.
  • What are the key moments that happen in your team? When considering the opportunity to create value for the team, the organisation, and other critical customers and stakeholders, which ‘moments’…
  • Teams should agree these ‘moments’ themselves. And conversations like these help the team find their ‘rhythm’.
  • Consideration should be given to team maturity. Team forming is faster with the unplanned connection opportunities that happen when F2F, so newer teams may embrace more F2F when they are first establishing.

Other Main Take-aways

‘Ways of working’ agreements are critical to ensure an understanding of expectations of where and how people will work together. Working flexibly can mean many things…

Have you documented these ‘ways of working’ clearly? And has this been shared with those who need to know?

Have you built in reflection points – with individuals and teams, to check how things are going and where tweaks are needed? It is ok to trial and evolve things.

Is it clear at what level DECISIONS are to be made? What decisions need to be made…

  • 1:1 between individuals and their people leader ?
  • by the Team?
  • by Senior Leadership?
  • Don’t let not being co-located stop teams from making progress. Autonomy and progress are key motivators – now more than ever!

Link to download our 2 page summary

Click here to download our two page summary

Visit the original source

  • Check the REA Hybrid Approach to Working guide out for examples of how this works in practice at REA. It also shares practical tips to help individuals have conversations about the hybrid working model with their people leader.